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Hyderabad District Bar Association election results

By Our Staff Correspondent 2017-03-06
HYDERABAD: Imdad Unnar and K.B. Lutuf Leghari were declared elected as the president and general secretary, respectively, in the Hyderabad District Bar Association election held on Saturday. Mr Unnar polled 648 votes to beat Basharat Ali Memon while Mr Leghari bagged 580 votes against his rival Farhad Ali Abro’s 225 votes.

Jalal Leghari won the slot of vice president, Kashif Faraz Bhutto was elected joint secretary, Sajjad Rind treasurer and G.M. Afaq library secretary. The results of the seven seats of the managing committee would be announced later.

The election witnessed new political and electoral adjustments as old friends and allies, Nisar Durrani (former advocate-general) and Ayaz Tunio (sitting Hyderabad High Court Bar Association president) allies in High Court Bar Association (HCBA) backed opposite candidates.

Mr Unnar was supported by Mr Durrani while Mr Memon was backed by Mr Tunio, who also backed K.B. Leghari. Mr Basharat was the president of the district bar’s outgoing body with Mr Unnar being its general secretary. Around 1,300 voters polled votes in the election.