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Education: volunteerism

ALTHOUGH, with the South, there are many development triggers to press, one of the most indispensable triggers is human capital which can be made productive through quality education. If such human capital is in the form of youth, it is an icing on the cake.

Pakistan stands in the camp of an underdeveloped world, though it has a large number of youths constituting its population.

The situation can improve only when we are able to improve our education system.At present education is provided by public and private institutions, as well as by madressahs. There is no uniform medium of instruction and no proper career counselling. This results in churning out graduates who no idea about the scope of their subjects. Thus without any critical thinking, skills and a sense of working for society`s problems, our education system is churning out job-crazy lots. This is an affront to the essence of education.

However, there are some youths who, afterquality education,have devoted themselves to volunteerism through self-founded organisations.

Recently I attended the National Volunteer Summit 2015, organised by the Laureate Foundation in Lahore, jointly building a world of committed youths.

Also, the University of Central Punjab (UCP), Lahore, has made it binding on its graduates to have the experience of working as a volunteer before they claim their degrees.

Initiatives taken by institutions like the UCP and Laureate Foundation are worth following and should be encouraged as they help us in tapping the potential of our youths, though it is the state`s responsibility.

Thus, one day we will be able to break the shackle of underdevelopment.

Inamullah Marwat Lahore