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Bottom of the class`

THIS is apropos Irfan Husain`s article `Bottom of the class` (Sept 23). He is right in encouraging Muslims to excel in science which they have, unfortunately, almost abandoned. But I disagree with the examples which he has given in support of his argument.

First, Darwin`s theory of evolution is just a theory,and not an established law. So the Holy Quran`s concept of human evolution isstill unchallenged.

The Quran does not tell Muslims to sit idle; rather it encourages man to discover hidden secrets of the universe. Jabir bin Hayan, father of chemistry, Musa Al Khwarizmi, a wonderful mathematician and Ibn e Sina, a renowned physicst, excelled in science and they followed religion simultaneously too.

Second, Jamiat students who created hurdles in the speech of Noble laureate Abdul Salam at Islamabad in the past were neither the face of the Pskistani nation then and nor are they so now. It is unfair to generalise such examples. Dr Abdul Salam himself never denounced Pakistan abroad and, in fact, he kept praising his native country tillhislastbreath.

We are a strange nation because often it feels pleasurein unnecessarily condemning itself. There must be resultor goal-oriented criticism but we criticise only to defame others. That is why our people do not improve themselves by rectif ying their mistakes.

Education is a panacea for all evils. Let`s work unitedly against illiteracy, ignorance and evil traditions of society.

Imran Ali Siyal Karachi