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AJK CJ`s directive

IN his first address to officials of the Azad Kashmir Supreme Court, the new AJK Chief Justice Chaudhry Mohammed Ibrahim Zia, outlined, among other things, intentions that may have lef t many surprised. The chief justice spoke against prejudices personal, regional, ethnic, etc and against slackness, negligence and dereliction of duty. But what attracted most attention was his directive to the court staff: under him, their annual salary increments would be based on how regularly they offer their prayers. This may have reminded his audience of the times when the authorities sought to establish nizam-i-salaat by executive order; in fact, some sections of society observed that matters of faith are best lef t to an individual and his or her Maker, and that increments should not be linked to piety.

There is always an urge among the experienced to guide, preach and reform. And indeed, there are lessons to be learnt from the life of veterans in all fields. The point of the debate is not whether any experienced, successful and respectable personality, who is in a position to influence society, should or should not try to make a difference. Instead, it is a sound principle that he or she lead by example, instead of allowing the impact of personal beliefs to be felt through official posts. Where social, and not official, allegiance is desired from subordinates, the best and most durable impact is one which is made without the use of formal authority. Take the law that seeks to restrict spending on wedding feasts in Punjab. It has the province`s chief minister relying on governmental force and authority to bring about social change. This is the easier way. He could have, instead, set an example of austerity through personal practice and trusted the public to follow suit. The same is true for those who would like their staff to be pious, visibly and within. Such people in high posts should seek strength in the own abilities to create a compelling enough personal example.