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JI begins mobilising women voters in Lower Dir

By Our Correspondent 2015-06-30
TIMERGARA: Facing criticism from human rights and civil society organisations for `denying women the right to vote` the Jamaat-i-Islami has begun mobilising women in Lower Dir to participate in the electoral process.

In this regard, JI lawmaker from Swat, MNA Ayesha Syed, addressed different public meetings during a three day visit to the district, calling upon women to participate in the electoral process.

Addressing meetings in Manzaray Thangy, Bazarak Munda and Mosabad areas the other day, Ms Syed, who is also deputy generalsecretary of JI`s women wing, said women should come forward and play active role in politics.

The JI lawmaker also visitedseveral educational institutions in the district and met teachers and students and inquired about problems facing girl students.

Talking to journalists, Ayesha Syed termed education, especially girls education as key to development.

Ms Syed said girl students in Dir were facing several problems, including shortage of teaching staff, science equipments, furniture and classrooms.

She said she would meet the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa chief minister and education minister to apprise them about problems facing girl students in L ower Dir.

She said she didn`t get any funds from the federal government during the last two years. However, she claimed to have got Rs3 billion from the UAE government for construction of roads in Swat district.