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MINHAJ HOTIANA Farmer, Pakpattan district

CAPITALISTS are manipulating political, economic and other systems in the country. Political parties currently in the electoral arena are either not capable enough or don`t have the will tochallenge and break this vicious control suffocating the farming community.

All the administrative set-up cannot ensure even the provision of fertilisers at the official rates. The compost-making companies and their dealership networks are usurping the subsidy and minting money by selling their products through the black market.

Recently, there was a balloting by a fertiliser company in which its dealers were awarded multiple expensive jeeps. Video clips of the ceremony went viral on social media. All this money has been extracted from the poor farmers by exploiting them through artificial shortages of compost and selling the same at exorbitantly higher rates in the black market.

Can the new government put in place a simple foolproof system for the provision of two bags of urea and one bag of DAP per acre at subsidised rates to all farmers across the board? And those who need more may get it from the open market without any subsidy. • -AM