Banking woes
I AM an octogenarian and was puzzled by a string of letters received from the Seaview branch of a local bank, asking me to appear in person to complete some kind of `records`. Despite great physical difficulty, I did undertake the trip to the bank only to find that there was nothing to `complete` as there was no change in the data that was already with the bank.
A few days ago, I again received a notice to appear in person as my account had a `negative` balance. Alarmed thatthe accounthadbeen hacked,Irushed tothe bank,althoughIhad severe pain, because the bank`s helplines that day were non-functional. When an explanation was sought and request made to see the branch manager, it was denied. I handed over my cheque book and debit card, which were immediately shredded.
Calling people in person, regardless of age, for false document requirements must be banned. If a document is required, the letter must detail it so that several visits are not required, or scanned copies are sent.
If the customer`s account is hacked, a phone call should be made or email sent rather than sending letters. Closing accounts hurts both the bank and the customer. Bank officials always stress that they are unable to do anything because they are simply following some unknown State Bank ofPakistan (SBP)directive.
I have lodged complaints with the bank`s helpline several times. Needless to say, all have been conveniently ignored. Will anybody resolve such banking issues that are nuisance to many across the country? Iqbal Mirza Nazar Karachi