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Russia suggests resuming direct flights at Istanbul talks with US

MOSCOW: Russia said on Friday it had suggested to the United States resuming direct flights between the two countries during talks in Istanbul this week that addressed `many annoyances` in ties.

The US and Europe stopped direct flights to Russia three years ago in the first days of Russia`s offensive against Ukraine.

`It was suggested to the American side to examine the possibility of resuming direct air links,` the Russianforeign ministry said in a statement.

`Paths to resolving the many annoyances inherited from previous American administrations were discussed,` the statement said.

Thursday`s talks in Istanbul were part of a remarkable rapprochement between Washington and Moscow initiated in recent weeks by US President Donald Trump, who also plans to meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin soon.

`The discussions were substantive and professional` and `it was agreed to continue dialogue`, the Russian foreign ministry statement said.

It said `joint steps were agreed to ensure the unimpeded financing` of the Russian and US embassies and there was discussion on returning to Russia six properties seized by the United States.`The demand for practical results designed to create conditions for the improvement of bilateral relations in the interests of the peoples of our countries was particularly emphasised,` it said.

The US and Russian foreign ministers met in Saudi Arabia on February 18 for the first high-level meeting between the two countries since the start of Russia`s campaign in Ukraine.

Russia names new envoy to US Russia on Friday named career diplomat Alexander Darchiev as new ambassador to the United States, filling a role vacant since last yearin another sign of easing tensions.

US President Donald Trump has sought to restore ruptured ties with Moscow since taking office, reachingout to President Vladimir Putin and initiating highlevel talks for the first time since Russia launched its offensive in Ukraine in 2022.

Putin withdrew his former envoy to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, last October but had not named a replacement amid abysmal bilateral relations over the Ukraine conflict.

`The American side handed over an official note of agreement on (Darchiev`s) appointment,` the Russian foreign ministry said.

Darchiev has worked in various Russian diplomatic roles since 1992, most recently as director of the Russian foreign ministry`s North American department. `His departure for his place of service in Washington is expected in the near future,` the ministry added.-AFP