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Bottle pen holder

By The Crafter 2025-03-01
Some things never go out of fash-ion; instead, they evolve, becoming newer and more versatile. Among such items,stationery holds great significance. It comes in a variety of designs and colours that make children go nuts over them.

But just as we love our stationery, we also need organisers to keep them in place. And this pen holder serves its purpose well.

Things you need: 1. One small empty plastic bottle 2. One coloured paper (colour of your choice) 3. Glue stick 4. Marker 5. Paper cutter or scissors 6. Thermocol balls, sequences or beads (choose anything)Directions: 1. Mark the empty plastic bottle at your desired height for the pen holder, which could be between four and five inches, picture 2.

2. With the help of an adult, carefully cut the bottle, picture 3.

3. Measure the circumference of the bottle and cut out a circle from the coloured-paper. Also, cut out a one-centimetre-wide, six-inch-long strip from the same coloured paper, picture 4.

4. Paste this strip around the paper circle to give it the appearance of a holder; pictures 5 and 6.

5. Cut out a piece of paper from the same-coloured paper according to the size of the bottle`s interior. Roll it into a cylinder, ensuring that it is 0.5 centimetres shorter than the bottle`s circumference to ensure you have no trouble when placing the thermocol balls inside; pictures 7 and 8.

6. Insert the thermocol balls (beads or sequence) inside, picture 9.

7. To secure the thermocol balls inside, repeat step 3 (by cutting out a paper circle and strip), but this time, create a hollow centre in the paper circle, as it will serve as the pen holder, picture 10.

This cute pen holder is ready! You can use your imagination to come up with different items to insert into the plastic and paper space. The writer can be contacted at