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Divorced and happy

WOMEN in our society often feel trapped in their marriages, but the fear of social judgment stops them from seeking divorce. They choose to stay in dangerous situations and compromise their physical and mental wellbeing to keep their marital status intact. It is time we trusted our daughters, supported their decisions and ended the stigma around divorce.

As parents, our first duty is to protect our children. We need to understand that our daughters` lives and happiness are more important than their marital status.

Welcoming a daughter back from a failed marriage is an act of love and courage.

It makes her have the feel that she is valued, that her life and wellbeing matter more than outdated traditions.

We have heard stories of women who felt they had no way out of a bad marriage except through drastic means. These tragedies can be avoided. We need to create an environment where women feel safe to leave unhealthy relationships without thefearofbeingjudged.

Parents and brothersshould stand by their daughters and sisters to end the stigma around divorce. They must offer them a safe place to come home to, andremind them that they are loved without preconditions. Let us worl( together to ensure thatno daughterchooses an unhealthy marriage over her life and peace of mind. They deserve this much.

Tania Shahjahan Kamber Ali Khan