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India`s friend`

NEW DELHI: India was prepared to treat `the new` Pakistan as a friend, Indian Foreign Minister Swaran Singh said today [July 31]. A dozen members of the opposition Jan Sangh party tried to shout the Minister down as he reported to Parliament on the Simla Peace agreement with Pakistan. They sat on the floor in front of the Speaker`s chair just a few feet from Mr Singh. His speech was largely inaudible against the din of members as they screamed slogans denouncing the agreement as a sell-out.

A massive demonstration was also held just a few hundred yards from the Parliament building, also organised by Jan Singh.

An estimated 100,000 people marched through the streets to protest against the Simla accord. ... At the head of the procession were a few thousand women. Also taking part were supporters of the Socialist Party. ... Ignoring the protesting shouts, Mr Swaran Singh said the agreement had to be seen in its `proper perspective of history`.

Byitsreadinesstoreturnterritoriesconquered in the December war, India had demonstrated .

that it was making no territorial claims of any kind on Pakistan. ... `As far as India is concerned, we are prepared to treat the new Pakistan as a friend,` Mr Singh said. News agencies