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Exorbitant bills

THE recent surge in water bills is very alarming. While we, the residents of Upper Mall Scheme in Lahore, surely understand the need for sustainable water management, the current situation is becoming increasingly burdensome for the entire community.

The Water and Sanitation Agency (Wasa) has approved a significant increase in the water tariff for domestic users in Lahore, leading to higher costsfor the people.

Despite this steep rise in bills, the water supply has remained limited to three times a day. The area residents are grappling with both higher costs and insufficient supply for their daily needs.

Wasa authorities need to reconsider the tariff hike and ensure that it aligns with the actual water supply frequency.

Transparency in billing practices is essential, and the people deserve clarity on how their bills are calculated.

The management of Wasa should take notice of the challenges faced by the local residents, and address the issue promptly.

The community deserves regular and affordable access to potable water without compromising the financial stability.

M. Abid Hafeez Lahore