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Girl `sexually assaulted`, killed in Attock

By Our Correspondent 2022-12-01
TAXILA: A minor girl was allegedly raped, strangled to death and then thrown into a mini dam in the Ahamdal village in the limits of Pindigheb police station on Wednesday, police sources said.

Police said a woman went to nearby mini dam along with her two-year-old daughter to fetch water where the girl mysterious went missing.

While confirming the gloomy incident, Sub divisional Police officer Pindigheb circle DSP Aslam Dogar said that the family belonged to Kurram Agency of Khyber Pakhtukhwa and settled in the town and was working as agriculture laborer.

He said preliminary autopsy report has confirmed that the girl was sexually assaulted before brutally murdered.

He further added that eight suspects were taken into custody on the complaint of the family and the heinous crime investigation unit (HlU) of the circle police is interrogating them.