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Reverse psychology

THIS is with reference to the editorial `Shocking images` (Dec 11), disturbing events that rightly condemned the action of Israeli forces subjecting Palestinian men to degrading acts, like stripping them off their clothes.

The appalling scenes have sparked comparisons globally with the atrocities that were committed against the Jews in the infamous Nazi concentration camps.The concept of reverse psychology suggests a disheartening cycle wherein those subjected to violence may, in turn, become the aggressors, perpetuating a cycle of brutality. To shatter this cycle, it is imperative for someone a courageous individual, a united group, or a determined organisation to stand up and act as a steadfast bulwark against all forms of oppression that persist through this cyclic pattern.

Those who are willing to stand up against injustice and break the chains thatbind societies to the tragic recurrence ofviolence need to step forward.

It is only through such unwavering courage can we hope to see an end, if at all, to the destructive cycle that has plagued the humanity for far too long.

Faiza Anam Sahiwal