ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto will begin official visit of the United States from Feb 4 at the invitation of the [US] President, Mr Gerald Ford. The [PM] will leave here by a special PIA flight for Rome on the morning of Feb 3, on his way to Washington. ... [PM] Bhutto will spend three days in Washington, where he will hold talks with President Gerald Ford, Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger and other important leaders. US Vice-President Nelson A.
Rockefeller will call on [Mr Bhutto] at Blair House. ... The [PM] will also have a separate meeting with representatives of the Pakistani community in the [US]. News agencies [Meanwhile, as reported by news agencies from Damascus,] Eritrean liberation forces have launched a full-scale attack on main cities, including Asmara, capital of Eritrea, the Eritrean Liberation Front office announced here today [Feb 1]. It said the attack was directed at military targets and against the Ethiopian Army command, `with the aim of foiling the huge preparations carried out by the occupation authorities.` Waves of Eritrean guerrillas attacked Ethiopian military installations in Asmara ... in a major escalation of their 12-year war for independence.