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`New Islamic state`

KARACHI: `The Iranian people and the Government are delighted at the establishment of a new Islamic State in their neighbourhood. These are the considerations which induced me to readily accept your invitation, said His Imperial Majesty the Shahinshah of Iran at the State Banquet given by the Governor-General of Pakistan on Wednesday night [March 1] at the Governor-General`s House, Karachi. The Shahinshah added: `The Divine Code states that Muslims are brothers.

This with God`s grace is most true in the case of Iran and Pakistan.` ... The GovernorGeneral said: `The way in which His Imperial Majesty has steered the ship of State during the last eight and a half difficult years has won the admiration of the world.

... Khwaja Nazimuddin said: `Co-operation in the economic field will naturally lead to co-operation in other fields. ... .` ... His Imperial Majesty arrived at the Karachi Airport in the afternoon and was lustily cheered by a huge concourse of people which had gathered to welcome him. The 12-mile route from the Airport to the GovernorGeneral`s House was ... decorated with festoons and buntings. Staff correspondent