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Cellphone hazards

RECENTLY, a speeding motorcycle crashed into the right-side door of my car only because the rider was busy texting.

He wobbled dangerously, narrowly avoiding other vehicles before crashing into mine, and even shooting me an angry confrontational glare.

Shockingly, he was not only distracted, but also had two passengers, and was moving on the wrong side. Looking for a traffic official at the busy intersection, I spotted one sitting on his motorcycle, completely absorbed in his phone, oblivious to my honking or the chaos around him.

Over the next few days, I made it a point to observe on-duty officials, and was astonished to find that nearly 40 per cent were engrossed in their phones. Today, over 80pc traffic mishaps are linked to cellphone use.

Thereis everyreasonforthe relevant authorities to ban the use of cellphones by traffic personnel while they are on duty.

This one simple act will a go a long way towards minimising distractions, and making them focus on their critical role.

SohailKhursheed Lahore