A JK PM vows to crack down on price gouging, adulteration during Ramazan
By Tariq Naqash
MUZAFFARABAD: Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwarul Haq announced on Saturday that his government would launch a full-scale crackdown against price gouging and adulteration during the holy month of Ramazan, warning that any official found negligent in this regard would be removed from their post without delay.
He made this declaration while addressing the launch ceremony of three Mobile Food Testing Labs one for each division of AJK under the aegis of the AJK Food Department and AJK Food Authority.Speaking to the Jammu and Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee, Mr Haq said their real test had now begun: to ensure that traders within their ranks refrain from overpricing, profiteering and selling substandard or adulterated goods.
He expressed hope that they would not misrepresent government actions against such elements as biased or unjust.
The prime minister stressed that people must not only demand their rights but also fulfil their responsibilities.
He pointed out that tracing and tracking adulteration and ensuring that culprits were held accountable could even come at the cost of one`s life.
Lamenting societal contradictions, he remarked that while everyone desired reform, many wanted their own families to remain untouched while expecting the rest of society to change an attitude he described asself-destructive.
Declaring his commitment to integrity, he asserted, `As prime minister, IcanswearontheQuranthatIdonot consume a single unlawful morsel.
He further claimed that corrupt bureaucrats had now disappeared from the scene, adding, `I have paid a price for every signature I have made, and every time I have taken action against mafias, they have retaliated fiercely.
Mr Haq predicted that the functioning of the food testing labs would create noticeable ripples.
`We, as a society, have collectively protected unlawful earnings.
However, as we enforce the rule of law, these ripples will grow stronger,`he remarked.
Recalling an incident from when he assumed office, he said, `The first political reality check I received was the day after taking charge. As I was heading home for Eid, Minister Mian Abdul Waheed called to inform me that nour prices had been raised. Iasked him, I haven`t signed any approval-so who authorised this price hike? I was told that my predecessor in the interim period had already approved it and they were merely waiting for me to take the oath before implementing it.
Acknowledging the pivotal role played by the AJK Supreme Court in establishing food testing labs, he said it was their vision that the government swiftly implemented by allocatingfundsfortheselabs.
Earlier, the prime minister inspected the Mobile Food Testing Labs, parked outside his office, and questioned the staffabout their operations.
During the briefing, officials from the AJK Food Department informed him that these labs would test the quality of milk, spices, oil and water.
The prime minister directed administrative officers to ensure the safety and security of these labs to prevent any potential damage.