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Harassing women

T HE brave young women of Bahria College, Islamabad, deserve applause for exposing a biology professor who harassed and molested 80 girls while discharging his duties as an invigilator. He was appointed as an invigilator by the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE).

The incident shows the FBISE has no mechanism to ensure it appoints people of decent character who will not abuse their positions of authority. The college authorities too are to blame for trying to hush up the matter in an attempt to avoid a scandal. That the school administration was willing to sideline the safety and dignity of students to protect their school`sname is indeed shameful.

The purpose of education is not about acquiring impressive grades and degrees, but about developing character and morals. One hopes exemplary punishment is meted out to the offender, and the Bahria College authorities are severely reprimanded for their role in the matter.

Adeel UR Rehman Karachi