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Hate propaganda

[EDITORIAL] While on the one hand the Quaide-Azam very rightly exhorts the Muslims of Pakistan not to tarnish `this great achievement by frenzy, savagery and butchery` and expresses the determination of the Pakistan Government to put down lawlessness `ruthlessly and at any cost`, Pandit Nehru and his Government are clearly engaged in an all-out campaign of hate propaganda. The two Dominion Prime Ministers lately toured certain parts of West Punjab as well as East Punjab. With them, or at any rate with Pandit Nehru, also toured a party of journalists [who] ... are sending out `joint despatches` and the news agencies are carrying them and broadcasting them to the whole world. ...

What are these reports? They are plain and simple propaganda of the most despicable kind.

East Punjab gets little mention in them, except to say that all is quiet, the Government and its officers are the very images of rectitude and impartiality. Of the butchery, carnage and rape that for more than three weeks ran rampant and unchecked; of the misconduct of Sikh, and Hindu troops who helped the killers and looters and not the killed and the looted ... nothing is said.-DawnKarachi