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Seventy-five years ago Kashmir cease-fire

TRARKHAL: The rumble of guns ceased in Kashmir at midnight last night [Jan 1] as the first day of the New Year came to a close.

There was a calm in most areas ... broken only by the ... bustle of Azad and Indian forces. In some areas, where only a few feet of ravine separated Azad and Indian troops, there was an exchange of shouts: `So we stop shooting.

Reports so far received here indicate that the cease-fire has been effected in all areas. The cease-fire order is regarded here as a `welcome initial step.` But if the future of Kashmir is to be decided by ballots and not bullets ...

conditions must be created in which a free impartial plebiscite can be held.

Mr Ghulamuddin Wani, Home Minister of the Azad Kashmir Government ... said: `I would welcome it provided that it leads to a fair and impartial plebiscite. If the Indian Government want to find a peaceful solution ... it is not difficult.` The people of Azad Kashmir awoke to a day whose tranquillity wasundisturbedby artillerybombardment or the whine of bullets. ... Everywhere people excitedly gathered to discuss the meaning of this ceasefire. Dawn special correspondent