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AI use in education has to be cautious

THE ethical implications of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of education is an increasingly pertinent and complex issue that warrants thorough consideration and discussion.

As AI continues to shape the landscape of learning, it is imperative to critically examine its ethical dimensions and the potential impact on students, educators and the educational system as a whole.

The integration of AI in education offers numerous advantages, from personalised learningexperiencesto efficient administrative processes.

However, it also raises ethical concerns that demand our attention.

One primary concern revolves around privacy and data security. AI systems often rely on vast amounts of personal data to tailor educationalexperiences, posingpotentialrisks to students` privacy if not managed and protected meticulously.

Moreover, the ethicaluse of AI in grading and assessment requires careful consideration. While AI has the capacity to streamline evaluation processes, questions remain unanswered about the fairness,transparency andbiasinherent in automated grading systems. Ensuring that AI algorithms are free from discriminatory tendencies, and are continuously monitored for ethical lapses is essential to maintaining the integrity of educational assessments.

Another critical aspect to ponder is the potential socioeconomic divide that could arise due to the varying access and exposure to AI technologies. If not implemented equitably, AI in education might inadvertently exacerbate existing disparities, creating a digital divide that could disadvantage students who lack access to cutting-edge educational tools and technologies.

By providing a platform for experts,educators and stakeholders to share insights and perspectives, we can contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the ethical challenges and opportunities presented by the integration of AI in our educational system.

Additionally, examining the development of ethical guidelines and regulations for the responsible use of AI in education is crucial. Such a set of guidelines can help navigate the ethical complexities, ensuring that AI technologies are deployed in a manner that upholds educational values, safeguards student welfare, and promotes inclusivity.

Noor Usman Islamabad