KARACHI: President Fazal Elahi Chaudhry said ... that the civilisation of Sind can rightly claim the same unique place in history reserved for the other great riverine civilisations of the Nile, the Tigris and the Euphrates. Inaugurating the international seminar on `Sind Through the Centuries` at the State Bank ... he said the seminar will not only highlight this singular recognition enjoyed by the province of Sind, but project it so that this rich and glorious heritage can become a `legacy of which we can all be proud`. The President said that the contributions of Sind were not only in the distant past but also during the struggle for Pakistan and thereafter. Staff reporter [Meanwhile, as reported by news agencies from Lahore,] the Minister of State for Defence and Foreign Affairs, Mr Aziz Ahmad, has said there is no question of Pakistan moving towards a one-party State and there is no parallel ... in the Bangladeshi situation and the Pakistani situation, between what has happened or is still happening in Bangladesh and banning of the now defunct National Awami Party in Pakistan. ... [He] was commenting on reports ... that the decision to ban NAP was politically motivated.