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Rethinking strategy

I HAVE often wondered if the march that is now routinely taken out on March 8 every year, marking the International Women`s Day, has the potential to bring about any change regarding the many hassles that women face in our society.

Can it make communities and workplaces safer for our women? In many ways, I think, the march trivialises the gravity of women`s issues that actually need to be highlighted and addressed. As I see it, we need to rethink the strategy to make things happen.

Instead of petty non-issues, we should talk about the security of children, especially the girls.

It is a shame that even our children are not safe among us. The number of child rape cases actually increased in 2024. According to an Islamabad-based organisation, an average of 12 children are sexually abused per day. This is disgusting.

We should talk about the safety of women at workplaces. It is pivotal for them to work in a conducive environment. We should pressure the government to enhance the literacy rate among girls who are out of school.

Sadly, instead of raising genuine issues on the day, we use the occasion to raise frivolous slogans that only undermine the real issues women face in our society.

Gulistan Karachi