CPO`s pension clerk accused of corruption
By Our Staff Reporter
RAWALPINDI: The AntiCorruption Establishment (ACE) has launched an inquiry into the alleged delay in finalizing pension cases by the clerical staff of the city police office, it has been learnt.
The sources said the ACE had sought complete record of the police officials who retired in 2012 and 13.
When contacted the deputy director ACE, Chaudhry Zulfiqar said a pensioner approached the ACE with the complaint that the pension clerk and his assistant at the CPO office used delaying tactics in finalizing his case, having some ulterior motives.
The complainant also alleged that the delaying tactics by the officials of the pension department was aimed at extorting money.
Mr Zulfiqar said the pensioners and the pension clerk of the CPO office would be summoned to the inquiry committee.
The Deputy Director said if any person in the pensiondepartment was found guilty of any misappropriation, he would be brought to justice.
According to the sources, when the pension clerk of the CPO office was contacted by the ACE inquiry officer; he excused himself from attending the inquiry as he has Oalready been transferred to another branch.
The sources said in line with the inquiry, the record of 55 police officials who retired during 2012 and 2013 was sought by the ACE from the City Police Office to ascertain the real circumstances under which the retired officials are being victimised.
When the assistant director (AD) pension branch was contacted by Dawn, he acknowledged that there had been delay in finalizing the pensioners` cases, but it is not a deliberate.
`Due to heavy workload, sometimes the pensioners` cases are delayed. However, the former pension clerk who had been facing inquiry has already been transferred to another branch,` AD Javald Rasool said.