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Let us all do it for Baitul Magdis

THERE have been sceptics around who consider the daring raid by Hamas against Israel a strategic `blunder`.

Hiding bheind the dark veil of `pacifism` and so-called `peacemaking`, such people now do not want others to join Hamas.

These are the very elements who do not want the Muslims to unite and fight againstthe occupiers ofPalestinian lands, and, more importantly, for liberating Baitul Magdis.

While the West, led unashamedly by the United States, continues to back Israel with political, diplomatic and material support even as it continues to bomb civilians, the world wants the Muslims to stay away from Hamas and its struggle to somehow force sense into Israeli minds.

For far too long, Muslims have buried their heads in the sand about what is happening in Palestine. Muslims have endured endless Western beatings; be it in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Iran or Afghanistan. How long will we sit on the sidelines and just watch as our brethrenbury their dead? Palestine is a country that has endured great difficulties. Endless peace treaties, prisoner swaps and dialogues have only given the Isrealis time to expand settlements and stock up on weapons of mass destruction. We need to end this occupation today more than we ever did in history.

The European colonists need to be sent back to where they came from.

That is the only fair solution to the Palestine-Israel issue.

There should be absolutely nothing stopping us from getting united and fighting for the liberation of Baitul Magdis.

Angabeen Ahmad Karachi