THE recent attack by Hamas on Israel has no doubt exposed the myth of Israel`s undefeatable military. It can be taken by surprise. Even the ground assault launched by Israel was met with stiff resistance by Hamas forces to the point that it caused a serious military embarrassment to Israel.
Palestinians have been suffering for a very long time at the hands of the occupation force, but no genuine voice has ever been raised for them by the international community. Israeli brutalities against the Palestinians cannot be justified on any count.
World leaders are struggling to defend Israel as large protest demonstrations in their own countries have gathered momentum, exposing the massive difference between what the people think and what their governments prefer to say.
State policies and the aspirations ofthe people have become two distinctly separate entities. The unsavoury remarks uttered more than once by Israeli government officials, including the prime minister and the defence minister, are only bound to increase the spirit of resistance among the Palestinians.
Moreover, the larger international community, including, and especially, the Muslim states, should wake up to the rather ugly ground reality, and stop Israel from committing any further violation of relevant international laws.