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Anti-corruption bill

KARACHI: A Bill to provide means for debarring from public life for ... up to 10 years, any person judicially found guilty of bribery, corruption, jobbery, favouritism, nepotism, maladministration, wilful misapplication or diversion of public moneys, `and any other abuse of official power or position` was introduced in the ... Constituent Assembly by the Prime Minister, Mr Liaquat Ali Khan, on Monday [Jan 3]. ... The Bill includes in its scope Central and Provincial Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries, as well as members of Central and Provincial Legislatures. ...

[Meanwhile, according to Dawn`s special correspondent in Trarkhal,] political stillness in Srinagar was broken ... when enthusiastic pro-Pakistan crowds paraded the streets of snow-covered Srinagar shouting Pakistan Zindabad and `We want to accede to Pakistan`, according to highly reliable information received here. Despite [the] concentration of Indian troops and severe cold, men, women and children came out to greet the enforcement of the cease-fire order ... . Cheering crowdswaving... Pakistanflag demonstrated before Government buildings.