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`Join hands with us`

LONDON: The Jewish delegation to Rhodes is demanding the whole area from Rafa running south-east to the Gulf of Akaba on the Red Sea in the so-called Israel territory, leaving only two pieces of Negeb in Arab hand[s], an `Israeli` spokesman confirmed here today [Feb 3]. He said: `We shall never let the Egyptians extend the territory ... under their control. We have better prospects of talks with our `friend` King Abdullah who wants control of Gaza and the corridor running across Negeb to link it with Transjordan. ...

The spokesman ... pointed out to the `Israeli` Government offices in London as `round the corner, a neighbour of Pakistan House` and said: `Pakistan is the only Asian Power which dared to show contempt towards our rising star. Mr Bevin considers Pakistan as a strong Muslim power in the Middle East.

`... We are the oldest Asian race and destined to be the most powerful.` Concluding, the spokesman said: `Our friendly advice to Pakistan is to join hands with us. Both of us are Sem[i]tics and have everything in common. If Pakistan recognises `Israel` the Arab Kings will soon retire to their castles.

Dawn London office