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Incorrect Indian assertion

KARACHI: Recent reports in the Indian Press that Pakistan has failed to stand by the Indo-Pakistan Exchange of Commodities Agreement while India has remained a `good boy` have caused considerable amusement in Karachi business circles.

... Import and export figures for the year as well as for the last quarter, however, give a direct lie to the Indian assertion. ... For instance, out of 20 lakh tons of coal, which India agreed to supply, it has only sent three lakhs so far. Of 8,000 tons of chemicals, India has supplied only 200 tons, while in case of 25,000 tons of asbestos contracted for, India supplied 351 tons only in the first four months of the currency of the agreement. [India] ...

only supplied 5,000 tons of the 64,000 tons of steel and only 116 of the pig-iron it had agreed to supply. Staff correspondent [Meanwhile, as reported by news agencies in Karachi,] in pursuance of their drive against traffic violators, the Traffic Branch of the Karachi Police has suspended the licences of seven motorists during the last month. Barring one case ... the defaulters have been deprived of their driving licences for one month.