City administration launches crackdown to check overcharging
By Our Staff Reporter
LAHORE: The city district administration on Monday launched a crackdown on shopkeepers involved in overcharging and fleecing consumers and those hoarding and causing price hike in the provincial metropolis.
After being reprimanded by the city district administration, dozens of price control magistrates started inspecting the city`s model bazaars, open markets and departmental stores in a bid to ensure sale of standard essential items and take action against those involved in overcharging. The magistrates conducted extensive inspections throughout the city on Monday, imposing substantial fines and getting cases registered againstthose found violating price control regulations.
The district administration`s crackdown resulted in detecting 27 violations at various locations across the city.
Officials got registered four cases against accused vendors, issued 21 warnings and imposed fines exceeding Rs100,000 on shopkeepers and vendors involved in charging inflated prices for essential commodities during the holy month.
`We will take shopkeepers to task for creating artificial inflation in Ramazan, warned Lahore DC Syed Musa Raza while paying surprise visits to various spots. He said the administrative officers must remain vigilant in the field throughout Ramazan by continuously monitoring prices of essential items in Ramazan Bazaars and open markets to ensureaffordable access for all citizens.
The DC also conducted a detailed inspection of various locations in Nishtar town following recent rainfall, to review progress of the ongoing `Clean Mission` initiative.
The DC, accompanied by Chief Officer of Metropolitan Corporation Shahid Abbas Kathia, Assistant Commissioner of Nishtar Town Muhammad Saleem Aasi and other officials, visited Ferozepur Road Gajjumata, Kahna Kachha Road, and areas surrounding Sui Gas Society to assess the drainage situation.
During the inspection, DC Raza received a briefing from Wasa officials regarding developmental work on sewerage lines.
The Wasa DMD informed the DC that work on sewerage lines cleaning was pro-gressing swiftly. The DC on the occasion instructed officials to tour all low-lying areas across the city and ensure proper drainage to prevent standing water.
`Improve the sewerage system so that citizens avert facing difficulties during the rainy season,` directed the DC, emphasizing that any complaints of water accumulation should be addressed immediately. He instructed LWMC officials to identify garbage accumulation points and ensure regular checking of empty plots. He ordered Nishtar AC to focus on cleanliness systems and maintain vigilance. He sought operations to remove encroachments and relocate cattle without interruption, stressing that LWMC, Wasa and the district administration must work together as a team to perform their duties efficiently.