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Research work on haiku in Sindhi launched

By Our Correspondent 2025-03-04
SUKKUR: A book titled Meenhan karipoon ain maak (Raindrops and dew), a research work on haiku a Japanese genre of poetry with short, unrhymed and usually three lines authored by poet and writer, Gohar Sindhi, was launched at the Sufi Budhal Faqir Scouts Libraryin Shikarpur the other day.

Sindhi writer Essa Memon,who presided over the book launch ceremony, said that Gohar Sindhi`s book stood apart from the other works he had penned so far.

He said that the present work was not just a research on Sindhi literature, but a document that would be used as a reference book on the haiku genre in Sindhi.

Hakim Gul said that Sindhi`s book included all the material needed for any research or reference. By having done this work,Sindhi had preserved his name in the history of Sindhi literature, he said.

He said that excellent work had been done and continued to be done in Sindhi literature in both poetry and prose.

Humair Chandio said that this book was a comprehensive scholarly work, and for such a commendable work, the author deserved praise. `We are in dire need of such books at this time,` he said.

The author, Gohar Sindhi,said that he wrote this book with great hard work and tried to include in it everything related to haiku that was needed in a research work. Only readers could tell how much effort had been put into the book, he said.

Azad Bukhari, Sami Sajjad Mirani, Ustad Rahi, Hissam Memon, Abdul Jabbar, Aajiz Mangi, Sharif Shad and many other poets and writers also expressed their views at the book launch ceremony.Meanwhile, a poetry recital (mushaira) with the theme of `Sindhi Language, National Language` was also organised at the library in which renowned Sindhi poets, Imtiaz Mangi, Naseem Bukhari, Aurangzeb Aajiz, Abid Sindhi, Nadir Baloch, Azhar Azad Mughal, Farz Soomro, Abdul Wasi, Arbab Aad Chohan, Abdul Jabbar, Abdul Wahab Sheikh and Ghulam Ali Gul recited poetry and received applause from audience.