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Farishta`s murderer awarded death sentence

By Our Staff Reporter 2022-06-04
ISLAMABAD: A trial court of Islamabad on Friday handed down death sentence to the murderer of Parishta Bibi.

Additional district and sessions judge Humayun Dilawar announced the judgement in the presence of the aggrieved family.

As per the court order, the accused Mohammad Nisar was `convicted under Section 364-A of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC), related to abduction of person under the age of 14, and also under section 302(b) PPC and sentenced to death.

The court also imposed a fine of Rs1 million and directed the accused to pay the amount to the legal heirs of the deceased.

As per the order of the trial court, the death sentence awarded to the convict is subject to the confirmation by theIslamabad High Court (IHC).

Subsequently, the judge directed his staff to prepare death reference and transmit the report of the case to the IHC in seven days.

Parishta, 10, went missing on May 15, 2019 in Shehzad Town. Af ter searching the nearby areas, the family went to the police to file a missing person report.

However, the police initially refused to register FIR telling Farishta`s f ather that his daughter might have gone with someone of her own free will.

The mutilated body of Parishta was found the following evening; trig gering complaints that her life could have been saved had the police acted promptly.

Subsequently, a case was also registered against several police officials on charge of negligence.

As per police investigation, a 50-year-old suspect, a habitual offender, was involved in the murder and was arrested in June 2019.