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60pc citizens reject govt`s stance of increasing petrol prices: survey

By Jamal Shahid 2022-06-04
ISLAMABAD: Six out of 10 Pakistanis have rejected the arguments made by the PML-N-led government to justify the increase in fuel prices, according to a survey issued by IPSOS, which claims to be the third largest market research company in the world.

Spread overfour pages,the survey said about the same number of people feared that their hardships would even aggravate due to suchincreases in the fuel prices.

IPSOS asked more than 1,000 people across the country about the current discussion on raising fuel and diesel prices and to what extent they would agree or disagree with the rea-sons for the price jumps? As many as 62 per cent of the people contacted telephonically did not agree that at this moment raising the fuel prices was inevitable and it was good for the country. About 19pc agreed that raising fuel prices was necessary.

Similarly, 59pc argued that at this point in time r aising f uel prices would further aggravate the problems of the ordinarypeople.Only17pcresponded that hardships would not worsen with the two jumps in fuel prices or in even in the future.

Election timings IPSOS also asked if the citizens thought that the federal government should complete its full term or announce mid-term elections?Two-third majority of Pakistanis were in favour of mid-term elections to be held within this year. As many as 64pc individuals said that midterm elections should be announced and held this year.

However, some 36pc citizens surveyed argued that the government should complete its full term and elections should be held next year.

Head of public research at IPSOS, Abdullah Khalid, told Dawn that the survey was conducted between May 24 and May 27.

`IPSOS put the questions to 1,031 citizens, who are 18 years plus, about the ongoing discussion on raising the prices of petrol and dieselin the country and to what extent would you agree or disagree with the measures by the present government,` he said.