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Home dept`s letter about police action against PTM triggers controversy

P E S H A W A R / KHYBER: Although the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has distanced its self from raids by law enforcement agencies on the camp of Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM), a letter from provincial home department has triggered controversy as it has asked police to take `necessary action` in line with the federal government`s orders.

Police in Khyber tribal district set on fire a camp of PTM during multiple raids carried out on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The camp was established by PTM activists for holding a jirga titled Awami Adalat on October 11.

PTM activists said that Peshawar and Khyber police raided their camp, uprooted tents and took away camping material amid intense tear gas shelling and firing in the air.

Police officials could not be reached for an official comment on Wednesday despite repeated attempts.

However, the provincial government distanced itself from the police action by saying that the raids were carried out following `direct orders` from the federal interior ministry to KP chief secretary.

KP government spokesperson Barrister Mohammad Saif, said that the chief secretary directly received orders from federal interior ministry. He said that police took action against PTM under section 11 of AntiTerrorism Act, 1997, and taking action [against the chief secretary and police for bypassing the provincial government] was beyond the provincial government`s jurisdiction.

However, a letter, issued from the provincial home department, which was also verified by senior government officials, provincial police chief was directed to take `necessary action please` in line with the orders issued by the federal interior ministry.

Referring to chief secretary, home secretary and police chief, he told Dawn that they took action on direct orders issued by the federal government. He said that police took action under relevant laws. He added that federal government could order action anywhere across the country.

Meanwhile, situation remained calm on Thursday at the venue of October 11 PTM jirga in Jamrud with pledges of support and resistance against any further police action pouring in from different quarters throughout the day.

Aftab Shinwari, a local PTM spokesman, told Dawn that the police action caused them losses to the tune of Rs5 million with their workers stillholding the ground and determined to hold the three-day Awami Adalat.

He, however, regretted that tents and mats dealers in Peshawar and other adjoining areas were reluctant to provide the required material to them on rent for fear of police action.

He said that police also damaged their rented ground levelling machinery along with water tankers and coolers. `But the event will be held at all costs as PTM activists have pledged to resist all pressure tactics by the government to sabotage it.` he added.

Mr Shinwari said thatthe organisation activists would be accommodated in local hujras and houses till October 11 and final arrangements for the three-day event would be made a day or two prior to the final date as they did not want the police to destroy their camping material ahead of the event.

Meanwhile, All Qabayal Loya Jirga and protesting Kokikhel elders announced their full support to the October 11 PTM moot and pledged that they would make every effort to participate in the event in large numbers.

In a meeting held at theresidence of Nawabzada Fazal Karim Afridi, the Loya Jirga senior members insisted that holding of PTM Awami Adalat was the need of the hour as successive governments usurped the legitimate rights of Pashtuns and deprived them of their natural resources.

They said that the Awami Adalat would help in permanently resolving the longstanding problems of the oppressed and subjugated Pakhtun nation. Malak Naseer Ahmad Kukikhel warned the Khyber and Peshawar police to desist from taking any coercive action against the PTM organis-ers. Referring to PTM activists, he said that the entire Kukikhel tribe would stand guard to their guests.

Addressing PTM activists at the venue of their gathering near Regi Lalma, the estranged Kukikhel elder said that they would not step back from supporting PTM no matter how oppressive actions the government took against them.

`Our movement will succeed and the strength of activists will increase against those cruel actions of police,` he said amid applause from the audience.-Umer Farooq/ Ibrahim Shinwari