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Dir admin warned against `unjust` distribution of compensation

By Our Correspondent 2016-01-05
UPPER DIR: Parliamentary secretary for environment and MPA Fazli Elahi on Monday warned the Upper Dir administration against the unjust distribution of compensation cheques and relief goods to the earthquake victims in the district.

The warning was issued during the PTI workers convention at the District Council Hall here.

Noted among those in attendance were PTI district organiser Malik Fakhar Hayat, deputy organiser Farhad Ali Khan and tehsil coordinator Naveed Khan Shaheen.

Fazli Elahi, who was the chief guest on the occasion, said PTI activists had complained to him that the funds meant for compensating earthquake victims were being given away to undeserving people in Upper Dir.

He also alleged that the Jamaat-i-Islami was discriminating against the PTI activists in the district.

`The Jamaat is not giving any respect to PTI workers though the two parties are coalition partners in the province. We (PTI) will no more tolerate our persecution,` he said.

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The MPA warned the forest department employees would be sacked if they didn`t proceed against illegal dealers of timber in Upper Dir.

He said the illegal tree cutters would be put behind bars.

On the occasion, PTI tehsil coordinator Naveed Shaheen alleged that the Dir assistant commissioner was distributing compensation cheques and relief goods to earthquake victims on the basis of personal likes and dislikes.

He warned the PTI would protest in Peshawar if the calamity-hit families didn`t get compensation cheques within a week.

PRESS CLUB ELECTIONS: The District Press Club and Dir Union of Journalists Upper Dir cabinet election for year 2016 took place here under the supervision of senior journalists Hazrat Husain and Javed Sheikh.

According to the results, Syed Zahid Jan was elected the press club`s president by getting 11 votes.

Jamil Khan Roghani was elected general secretary and Tariq Wardag vice president.

Yar Zaman Khan and Javed Sheikh were elected the president and general secretary of the Dir Union of Journalist respectively.