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Shopkeeper shot, injured during robbery

By Our Staff Reporter 2025-03-05
ISLAMABAD: Robbers shot and injured a shopkeeper during a robbery and looted cash and valuables worth millions of rupees from three different houses, police said.

In the first incident, robbers shot and injured a man in the area of Sumbal police station.

The injured was identified asMohammad Irfan.

Three armed robbers raided a fast food shop at Ghosia Mahria Marked shortly after Iftar and held up the owner and staff at gunpoint. The gunmen pushed them to a corner of the shop and asked to hand over the cash and valuables to them.

When the owner and other staff tried to resist the robbers they opened fire on them,injuring one of the shopkeepers, who sustained bullet in his right leg.

After injuring him the robbers threatened other with dire consequences and looted Rs47,000 and escaped.

In another robbery, a gang of culprits looted cash and gold worth over Rs1.1 million from two houses located in the area of Nilore police.

First the gang of three rob-bers entered the house of Abdul Wasi before Sehri and entered from first floor. After hearing noises coming from the first floor, Wasi rushed to upstairs and found the three gunmen there.

Later, the gunmen detained the family in one of the rooms of the house and looted cash Rs66,000, 2tola gold ornaments.

Then the robbers reachedrooftop of the house and jumped into the house of Shah Khalid. They held up the residents at gunpoint and looted Rs700,000 and 2 told gold ornaments.

The Nilore police have registered a single case by clubbing the two robbery incidents.

Thieves stole cash and gold worth over Rs2 million from the house, located in the area of Shahzad Town.