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Strike against Lyari operation

By Amanullah Kasi 2012-05-05
QUETTA, May 4: A strike was observed in several district headquarters of Balochistan on Friday in response to a call by nationalist groups in protest against the police operation in Lyari area of Karachi.

Shops in Nushki, Awaran, Khuzdar, Panjgur, Gwadar, Kharan, Mand and some towns remained closed after the Baloch Republican Party called for the strike. The Balochistan National Party (Mengal), National Party and three factions of the Baloch Student Organisation supported the BRP`s call.

In a statement, the BRP thanked the business community and said the successful strike reflected people`s resentment against what it called the genocide of the Baloch in Lyari.

The party regretted the silence of human rights organisations over the Lyari situation. It also criticised the `onesided` coverage by the media of events taking place there and was of the view that most reports ignored the viewpoint of Baloch people.