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Baluchistan properties

QUETTA: The Governor of Baluchistan, Mir Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo, declared here last evening [Sept 3] that all the properties confiscated out of sheer vengeance in Baluchistan during the British rule or by the former ruler of Pakistan after Independence would be returned forthwith to the rightful owners. He said this [at] a public meeting in Lorali... . The Governor said there was no harm in naming a province, within theterritoriallimitsofPakistanasPashtoonistan as the majority of the Pathans so desired.

None would take objection to re-naming a province as `Pashtoonistan` like the provinces of Sind, Punjab and Baluchistan but the consensus of opinion and not the opinion of a couple of persons would be counted... . `We shall obey the majority opinion,` he remarked. News agencies [According to a report from Quetta,] The twoday All-Pakistan Convention of Baluchi Language concluded here last night [Sept 3] after finally approving in principle the Roman script for the Baluchi language. More than 70 delegates from all over the country attended... . The unanimous approval in principle of the Roman script as against the existing Arabic script for the Baluchi language followed the submission of reports by three different committees... .