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20 Democrats oppose security pledges for Saudi Arabia

WASHINGTON: Twenty US senators, all of them Democrats, expressed support on Wednesday for a potential Israeli-Saudi normalisation deal, but laid out concerns about any security guarantees or nuclear assistance to Riyadh.

In a letter to President Joe Biden, the senators underscored resistance the White House could face from Congress if the administration brokers a landmark agreement opening diplomatic ties between Saudi Arabia and Israel in return for Washington meeting Riyadh`s demands.

Negotiations have been advancing, but US officials caution that much work remains.

Among the suggestions from Biden`s fellow Democrats is that any agreement include `meaningful` provisions to preserve the option of a two-state solution to the IsraeliPalestinian conflict.

Israel`s far-right government is expected to resist any big concessions to the Palestinians.

Peace between Israel and its neighbours has been a long-standing goal of US foreign policy, and `we are maintaining an open mind about any agreement that would potentially deepen the political, cultural and economic ties` between Saudi Arabia and Israel, the senators wrote. But they cited misgivings about what the Saudis want.

Saudi Arabia is determined to secure a military pact requiring the United States to defend it in return for opening ties with Israel and will not hold up a deal even if Israel does not offer major concessions to Palestinians in their bid for statehood, three regional sources familiar with the talks said.-Reuters