LAHORE: The decision to set up an Election Inquiry Committee, which would examine the ways and means by which future elections to the West Punjab Legislative Assembly should be held, was announced by Sir Francis Mudie, Governor of the West Punjab, at a Press conference here today [Feb 5].
Sir Francis Mudie said: `Democracy in Pakistan had a bad start in 1947 after the August disturbances and the main object of Section 92-A is to create such an atmosphere that when democracy starts functioning again, it gets a good start. I hope to do my best in this connection.` ... The Governor said that he could not fix a deadline for the general elections, but gave an assurance that the elections would be held as soon as possible. He said that the influx of millions of refugees from the East Punjab made it necessary to afford them an opportunity to take part in the elections.
The committee will be under chairmanship of Sheikh Faiz Mohammad, Speaker of the recently dissolved Legislative Assembly, and will comprise two other members one refugee and the other a non-refugee.