THE news about the sale of contaminated milk in the country has raised fears among consumers, especially in cities like Shikarpur, Jacobabad, Kandhkot, Kashmore and Larkana, which are affected on a large scale. The contaminated milk affects human health and growth, particularly of children and pregnant women.
The influential but shameless mafia is minting money at the cost of the nation`shealth. The threat of dangerous diseases, like cancer, is a serious matter, but not much is being done in this regard because it is mostly related to the vulnerable sections of the population.
District administrations appear to be silent spectators as they are helpless before this powerful and profiteering mafia, while the sale of milk in huge quantity is continuing unchallenged.
Officials tend to find it easier and more practical to become part of the mafia than to resist it.
This unholy nexus needs to be broken once and for all. If this nefarious business is not contained, its consequences will be hard to deal with in the days ahead.
It is high time action was taken against the milk mafia in order to protect the health and wellbeing of the nation at large.