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Appeasement is not an option available

THIS is with reference to the article `Operation with a difference` (June 30) which raised valid concerns about the human cost of past military operations, but appeasement of terrorists is not an option. The growing influence of Tehreek-iTaliban Pakistan (TTP), rising terror attacks, and attempts to enforce extremist ideology demand decisive action. Pakistan cannot afford to stand idly by as this cancer spreads once again.

The said article highlighted anxieties surrounding the government`s proposed Operation Azm-i-Istehkam. All these anxieties are understandable, but the scars of the past cannot blind us to the clear and present dangers.Letus notforget the rather barbaric reign of the TTP that was characterisedby publicexecutions, extortion and the systematic dismantling of society. Are we ready to surrender our freedoms and safety out of misplaced fear? The federal government must directly address all such anxieties. Transparency, collaborative planning with clearly defined objectives, and open communication are crucial. This is not about federal dominance; this is about a unified national response to a national threat. We must stand shoulder-to-shoulder against our common enemy.

Military action is necessary, but to win this war we must also win hearts and minds. Promises made earlier must be kept.

Victims of past conflicts surely deserve compensation. Most importantly, Pakistan must actively counter the TTP`s warped ideology, denying it the oxygen of public resentment. Investment in education and outreach programmes that promote tolerance and respect for the rule of law is of critical value.

Moreover, the long-term solution lies in empowering Pakistan`s police forces.

Investment and training are essential to create a force capable of taking the lead in future counterterrorism efforts. The military should act as a supporting force, a shield until the police are strong enoughto stand alone. This transformation will not happen overnight, but it is a necessary step on the path to lasting security.

As such, Pakistan cannot afford the luxury of appeasement. Operation Azm-iIstehkam can be a turning point, but success hinges on prioritising national security above all else. In fact, this is not about institutional pride or appeasing dissenters. This is about protecting our people from a ruthless enemy determined to impose its will through violence and fear. The time for decisive action is now.

Majid Burfat Karachi