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6pc of cotton crop in Punjab hit by floods

LAHORE: Punjab Agriculture Minister Syed Hussain Jahania Gardezi has said that six per cent of the cotton crop has been affected by rains andnoodsinthe province.

Chairing a meeting held on Monday to review the current situation of cotton, he said that the province was expecting a better white lint production this season as the crop had been cultivated on 16pc more area than the last year. Due to rains and floods, 6pc of the crop has been hit, though thedepartment will make efforts to achieve the fixed production target, he said.

Mr Gardezi said a plan is being prepared for the rehabilitation of the flood-affected areas so that the farmers can be provided with guidance and support for wheat cultivation in the forthcoming Rabi season as soon as the flood waters recede.

The participants were told that even af ter the rains, the cotton crop isbearing abundant fruits. The months of September and October are very important as if the fruit is taken care of, the overall yield of cotton may improve.

The minister sought that the field teams should access every cotton grower to deliver and ensure implementation of the crop advisory. He hoped thatif the farmers followed the departmental recommendations, the damage caused by rains may be minimised.-Staf f Reporter