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Police escorts

THIS refers to the report `ASI killed, two constables hurt as DC squad van overturns` (Aug 2). One wonders why the squad van overturned. Obviously, the deputy commissioner`s (DC) vehicle the police squad was following must be running at a high speed, and the vehicle in question was not fit to match the speed and went out of control.

One also wonders if it is a legal requirement for a DC to be followed by police squad vehicles? What does the law say about protocol requirements for different offices? We routinely observe police escorting and standing on guard outside the residences of even retired bureaucrats and judges as well as politicians. Why? Police constables are also seen following families of people belonging to these categories. Why? Is this all as per law and the spirit of law? Do they really need such a protocol or security, or is it merely a display of power in their respective neighbourhoods? I recently noticed a police mobile in our area, and asked the official in charge if everything was fine. He told me that the `sahib` had arranged a birthday party, which the police van was trying to provide `security` to.

What do you think is the message coming across? Ideally, these resources should be utilised by the police departments for carrying out their standard duties. If they do that, they might be able to ensure peace in the cities. Our elite shall revisit their misplaced desires.

Kartar Dawani Karachi