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Pakistan warns India

RAWALPINDI: The Government of Pakistan has lodged a strong protest with the Government of India against its moves to change the status of held State of Jammu and Kashmir by abrogating Article 370 of the Indian Constitution. The Pakistan Government has warned the Indian Government that it will not recognise any measures taken or that might be taken in future unilaterally to change the status of the state. The responsibility for the consequences of violating the international agreement will entirely rest with India, it has been pointed out.

The protest note mentions a non-official Bill tabled in the Lok Sabha by an independent member, demanding the abrogation of Article 370, which provides special status to the held State of Jammu and Kashmir, in order to bring the nomenclature of the office of `Head of State` and `Prime Minister` of the occupied area of the state in line with those in use in the Provinces of India.

It points out that in view of the Government`s absolute majority in parliament, it can effectively prevent the adoption of the Bill by the House. In this connection, serious view has been taken of the Indian Home Minister Mr G.L.

Nanda`s reported assurance to the informal Consultative Committee of the Lok Sabha that Article 370 will be abrogated `in due course`.