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LB polls in Islamabad

CONTRARY to expectations, the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf did remarkably well in the Islamabad LB polls. The PML-N`s blitzkrieg was effectively checked. The PTI won most of the UCs in urban Islamabad.

Its performance in rural areas was also not very poor. Amongst the 50 UCs, the PTI won around 17 compared to the PML-N`s 21,with 14 UCs going to independent candidates. Most of these independents are said to be members of PML-N, who were denied tickets, and are likely to side with the mother party.

The strong showing of the PTI in the urban UCs means that the Imran magic is still working, and that a large number of middle class urban population still feels thatthe PTIrepresents theiraspirations.

The inhabitants of urban Islamabad in large numbers proved their fidelity to Mr Khan in spite of his apparent policy contradictions and some unwise personal choices.

Akbar Ja n Marwat Islamabad