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Libraries & librarians

LIBRARIES serve the community at every level school, college, university or public and play a positive role in every sphere of life.

In the past, libraries were considered book stores, but now the image of a library has completely changed owing to modern digital techniques. It is now known as an information hub or information centre.

In Pakistan,libraries have also been improving consistently by utilising digital techniques. The economy of a country is based on the quality of education, which in turn is based on well-equipped and updated libraries.Thus alibraryis an integralpartofanyinstitution.

The structure of a library is divided into three major fields building, funds and staff. The situation in Pakistan is pathetic in all these fields. Among them a mention of library staff is pertinent.

There are many libraries running without professionals, and libraries where professionals are doing their best to bring improvements are few.

Many digital tools have replaced the manual system, and useful techniques have beenintroduced to deliver information in an effective way.

The use of latest library software, the provision of internet, e-books, e-journals and digital and virtual libraries are the result of hard work and dedication oflibrary professionals.

However, library professionals are often deprived of their rights such as a proper pay structure, according to their qualifications.

There is a need for reviewing the job structure for Pakistani librarians.

Zubair Hussain Shah Mianwali