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Israeli brutality and Russian aggression

WHILE the media, especially in the West, is focussed on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the occupiers of Palestine have swiftly increased their attacks on Palestinians as part of their expansion of Jewish settlements.

There are daily attacks on Al Aqsa Mosque. People of Sheikh Jarrah are being attacked by armed Jews protected by the Israeli occupation forces, as they try to forcibly remove Palestinians from their homes to make way for Jewish settlers who are mostly from Europe.

Such actions are fully supported by the Israeli government. This is ethnic cleansing. If the West and its so-called independent media are not bothered about the slaughter and genocide of the Palestinians, at least the Arab neighbours of Palestine need to be concerned with what has been happening around close to their borders. The apartheid regime is hell-bent on expanding its tentacles.

Just as Russia is concerned with Nato`s eastward expansion near its border with Ukraine, Muslims, too, should be concerned with the occupiers in Palestine who are expanding their occupation.

Through united efforts, the Muslims can, and should, defeat the occupiers in Palestine and send them back to where they have come from.

In the meantime, Russian President Vladimir Putin should be careful, as, according to a report in The Times of Israel, the Ukrainian embassy in Israel is busy recruiting Israelis to fight against the Russians in Ukraine. `The embassy has begun the formation of lists of volunteers who wish to participate in combat actions against the Russian aggressor, the embassy wrote in a Facebook post in Ukrainian language, which was later deleted.

Despite this, would Putin really want to continue military coordination with Israel over Syria? Would it not be wise for Moscow to side with the Palestinians and help them get rid of the Israelioccupation thatis being protected by Nato? After all, practically speaking, Nato is now a common enemy. Isn`t it? Angabeen Ahmad Karachi