AFTER having experienced examinations conducted by both the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) and Pakistani boards, I can say with certainty that the local system is sliding downward at an alarming pace. The board examinations have truely become a nightmare for the students. How can we expect students to perform efficiently when the invigilators remain busy gossiping in the exam hall? How can we expect students to focus on the question paper when the ceiling fan is barely moving? Besides, mismanagement, like late distribution of question papers or improperseating arrangements, leaves students exhausted, which affects their performance.
Had I not experienced the professional and disciplined conduct of examinations by the CAIE, I would not have been able to draw this comparison. The whole environment is entirely different, and students know they are part of a formal system. There is a calm environment with minimal distractions that allows candidates to focus properly.
It is high time the government reviewed the invigilation process and upgraded the examination centres. It is the right of eachandeverystudenttogothrougha well-organised, peaceful and transparent examination procedure regardless of their schooling system.
The authorities must improve the management and provide all basic facilities at board examination centres.